Monday, September 7, 2009


U Love U trust???

We can alw hear that about we love he/she we must trust he/she..

HOwever, somebody not agree with that.,

Because they are think there dont have 100% of trust between couple.

at least must have some 质疑de between the couple..

BUt i most hate this kind of ppl.

Case 1

BOy=I see her sms with a boy leh..

A person=got ask her la who is the guy la....

(walao eh..sms onli ma...cannot have friend d a...u also have girl d friend la..)

Case 2

Girl=I hear that he very close with the girl leh...and my friend say they got go out together leh..

A person=got ask him la..see he got do that or not...

(MOSt DANger ..hear friend say only....u also no see dao...may be that true..but at least see that real or false 1 onli take action...)

Case 3

Girl=I wan break up with u!!

Boy=Dont wan la...dont have u , i will die...i cant live without you....bla bla bla..

(walao eh...break up onli ma wan die meh....This call wht...赖死不走..)

Case 4

BOy= I love you very much , 我会爱你爱到海枯石烂,天长地久,.....直到一万年...

(wah...beh tahan...too over la...where got so long life o...say something 符合实际一点的啦。。..)

Case 5(supported by 败后情人)

A person=Wa,your bf so good d u tis buy u tat

Girl=ya lor...bcoz he love me mar

{ present then is love u ar...then buy u whole house tat means love u till die}

Case 6(supporter by 失恋情人)

Boy=Eh..i on your facebook for a while a..

Girl=Y he dun trust me..wan check me

{if he wan check u..he wont tell u he on your accound la..stupid..TRUST the boy also
d..suddenly go on her acc for wat,make missunderstand}

SIMPLE LOVE>....简简单单......I love and I trust...
